A Sample draft of Franchise Agreement

Copying online templates could be disastrous to your business. Franchise agreements are highly customized and should be based on business goals. One faulty clause could lead to legal complications. Therefore, we suggest ALWAYS consulting an expert before drafting a Franchise Agreement.


THIS AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made this ___day of ___, 20___, by and between:

Burger Legal Private. Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of India, whose office is at………………..; (hereinafter referred to as “the Franchisor”)

Mr Rohit Pradhan, s/o Dayanand Pradhan, Resident of Patna, having its PAN Number ABCDEF. (hereinafter referred to as “the Franchisee”)

The Franchiser and the Franchisee hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party”.


  1. The Franchisor has developed methods for establishing, operating and promoting restaurant selling varieties of burger and fast-food products (“BURGER LEGAL Cafes” or “Cafes”) using the service mark “BURGER LEGAL” and related trade names and trademarks (“Marks”) and the Franchisor’s proprietary methods of doing business (the “Licensed Methods”).
  2. The Franchisor grants the right to others to develop and operate BURGER LEGAL Cafes, under the Marks and pursuant to the Licensed Methods.
  3. The Franchisee desires to establish a BURGER LEGAL Cafe at a location identified herein or to be later identified, and the Franchisor desires to grant the Franchisee the right to operate a BURGER LEGAL Cafe at such location under the terms and conditions which are contained in this Agreement.

Commencement date shall be…

Confidential information shallmean all information…

Intellectual Property Rights shall include…

Location shall mean the premises of the ABC Complex at Rohini, Delhi.

Method shall mean the methods, techniques and processes developed by the Franchisor;

Trademarks shall mean the names, trademarks and service marks owned by the Franchisor and include inter alia;

Products shall mean, all varieties of Burgers, French Fries, Aerated drink and other eating items of the Franchisor bearing any of the Trademarks;

Term shall mean the period fifteen years from the commencement date;

Turnover shall mean gross revenue of the Franchisee’s store.

In consideration of the onetime professional consultancy fees and the other payments, which shall be paid by the Franchisee at the time and in the manner set out in this Agreement and in further consideration of the observance and performance of the undertakings on the part of the Franchisee, the Franchisor grants to the Franchisee the right to establish and operate the Burger Legal stores at the Location for the Term.

The Franchisee covenants and agrees with the Franchisor promptly to perform and observe the following covenants and conditions:

To commence the Project by the Commencement Date.

Not to carry on the Project or any part thereof other than from the Location without the prior written consent of the Franchisor.

4.3.1 Actively to promote the Project and to exercise best endeavours in the conduct of the Project to promote the mutual business interests of the Franchisor and the Franchisee and shall cause to be provided at the Location such of the Products as are stipulated by the Franchisor from time to time.

4.3.2 As part of its endeavours to promote the Project, to organize a Media Conference at the time of launch and to organize such other promotional activities including but not limited to media promotions, brochure drops and on-location merchandising display as are mutually decided by the Parties from time to time.

4.4.1 Only to sell at the Location, the Products, which are specified by the Franchisor and which may be purchased from the Franchisor alone.

4.4.2 In no case will the Franchisee stock or sell any goods other than the Products and goods which the Franchisor otherwise deems to be unsuitable for sale at the Location.

4.4.3 The Franchisee shall pay for all Products acquired by him from the Franchisor according to the terms of payment as notified in writing from time to time by the Franchisor to the Franchisee.

4.4.4 Notwithstanding that risk in any Products supplied by the Franchisor to the Franchisee, shall pass to the Franchisee upon delivery, full legal and equitable title and interest in all and any Products supplied to the Franchisee shall remain in the Franchisor and shall not pass to the Franchisee until the Franchisor shall have received payment in full of all amounts due and owing from the Franchisee to the Franchisor for the time being (including any interest accruing and owing to the Franchisor) and from time to time in respect of all such Products supplied by the Franchisor to the Franchisee at any time.

4.4.5 The Franchisee shall pay the cost of delivery for the Products acquired from the Franchisor

To sell the Products in the same condition as that in which it receives them and not to alter or remove or tamper with them or any markings or name plates or indications of the source of origin on them or any packaging supplied by the Franchisor except putting such notices as are required by the packaging laws of ……………. (Country) and will inform the Franchisor of any such laws and the alterations made for the compliance thereto.

Not during the term of this Agreement or any renewal or extension thereof without the written approval of the Franchisor, sell the Products other than to end-users.

Not to charge customers prices in excess of the prices specified by the Franchisor in writing from time to time.

4.8.1 To commence the Project with a level and type of stock-in-trade of the Products as are in writing specified by the Franchisor and to maintain at all times during the Term, stocks of the Products at a level and of a type approved by the Franchisor from time to time.

4.8.2 To ensure that all stock is maintained in accordance with the Franchisor’s instructions and recommendations and to the standards prescribed by the Franchisor in writing from time to time.

4.9.1 To keep such books of account and records and operate such finance and accounting and stock control systems for the Project made up in accordance with proper and accepted accounting practices and accurately maintain them up to date at all times.

4.9.2 To provide the Franchisor with true copies of quarterly audited profit and loss accounts and balance sheets for the Project made up in accordance with proper and accepted accounting practices, which shall be provided no later than 30 days after the end of each quarter

4.10.1 To pay to the Franchisor (or as the Franchisor directs) as per the relevant dates (time being of the essence):

(i) One time professional fee of……………….. (Amount in any currency) towards providing the professional consultancy for the Project, which shall be payable five months prior to the Commencement Date;

(ii) 4% of the turnover of the Burger Legal’s cafe payable on a quarterly basis;

(iii) The salaries of the staff recruited, trained and employed by the Franchisor in relation to the Project and any costs incurred on travel, accommodation or any incidental expenses incurred on recruitment and training of the manpower or in opening and operating the Project with prior sanction of the Franchisee, which the Franchisor shall bill on the actual.

4.10.2 All payments shall be made by the Franchisee by way of a bankers cheque/demand draft made payable at ……………….. (place) in favour of the Franchisor.

Not to make any representations, statements or warranties about the Project other than those which are expressly permitted by this Agreement or which the Franchisor may first authorise in writing.

4.12.1 To permit officers, servants and agents of the Franchisor during normal hours of business to inspect and observe the Project, and all parts of the Location; the stocks of the Products held by the Franchisee and the manner in which the goods are displayed and sold by the Franchisee.

4.12.2 To permit the Franchisor and its servants and agents to inspect and copy, books of account, records, finance and accounting systems at the Location.

Not to be a party to the doing or neglecting to do any act whereby any industrial or intellectual property including trade secrets and business reputation owned by the Franchisor and any company related to it and which the Franchisee is authorised to use (including the goodwill of the business in respect of which this Franchise is granted and used in connection with the Project) may be prejudicially affected either during the Term or afterwards.

4.14.1 To maintain strict secrecy about the Methods of the Franchisor including any manuals issued by the Franchisor, any technical know-how, trade secrets, product information, market opportunities, advertising and publicity materials belonging to the Franchisor, both during the currency of this Agreement and after it is terminated.

4.14.2 To take all steps necessary to ensure that the Franchisee’s nominees, employees, agents and sub-contractors also observe such requirements of secrecy as stipulated in the previous clause and shall cause such nominees, employees, agents or sub-contractors to enter into a secrecy Agreement in a form approved by the Franchisor.

4.14.3 The Franchisee and his nominee, employees, agents or sub-contractors shall not during the currency of this Agreement and after its termination disclose any Confidential Information received by any of them from the Franchisor in the course of the Project unless such disclosure is required by law and will inform the Franchisor of any such disclosure that they are compelled to make.

4.14.4 The Franchisee and his nominees, employees, agents or sub-contractors shall not after the termination of this Agreement and thereafter use such Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the Franchisor.

4.13.5 In order to protect the trade secrets and other Confidential Information as also in lieu of the know-how received by Franchisee from the Franchisor so as to be able to fulfill its obligations as part of the Project, Franchisee agrees that during the Term and even after termination for a period of three years thereof, Franchisee shall not be concerned or interested either directly or indirectly in any business which is involved in the supply of goods which are similar to the Products sold at the Location or in providing services similar to the Services provided as part of the Project.

4.13.6 As part of its obligations to maintain secrecy the Franchisee will not at any time within three years after the termination of this Agreement:

(i) solicit the customers or former customers of the Project with the intent of taking their custom;

(ii) employ or offer to employ any person who immediately before such employment or offer of employment was employed by the Franchisor and not directly or indirectly to induce such person to leave his or her employment

Not to assign, charge or otherwise deal with the Project in any way without the prior written consent of the Franchisor.